Birthday Paper Cards - Use Creativity to Hand-Make a Birthday Card

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Use Creativity to Hand-Make a Birthday Card

For many celebrants, the drive to the birthday party involves a quick stop at the drug store to buy a printed card. With a signature scrawled on the inside, it is presented to the honoree almost as an afterthought. To truly impress, a hand-made card can express more personal sentiments and show just how much you regard the recipient.

To make a good looking birthday card, realize that there are several different styles of card you can design. For those gifted with drawing ability, colored pencils or gel pens may be all you need. If you're handy with scissors, consider a pack of construction paper, a glue stick, and perhaps a shape punch tool. Beautiful and intricate graphic designs can be made by the computer-savvy.

No matter what type of card you decide upon, it is best to begin with a medium to heavy-weight card stock. Be sure not to choose a glossy paper, as it will resist both ink and glue. Be sure to make a very light pencil-stroke down the middle of the page, to show where the card will be folded. This will provide a visual marker so that the card can be designed without having to wear a fold in it until it is completed. To make your task easier, consider working on only one side of the paper at a time to avoid smudges or smearing.

To hand-draw a card wishing a happy birthday, consider plotting out what you would like to say on a separate sheet of identical-size paper using a pencil. This will allow you to erase and re-draw until you are satisfied with the result. You can then copy cleanly onto the card stock in inks, colored pencils, or watercolors.

If you're using paper-craft, it is best to lay out the pieces you've cut before gluing any down. With everything free, you can move the elements around until you are satisfied. Remember to use glue very sparingly to avoid wrinkling. Be sure to allow one side of the card stock to dry overnight before beginning work on the opposite side.

For graphic designers, the card can be designed using Paint or other graphic manipulation software. Be sure the color cartridge of your printer is prepared to handle the design. Allow the card to dry for at least an hour before folding it and placing it in an envelope.

No matter which method you employ, a hand-made happy birthday card is the perfect compliment to present at the party.


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