Birthday Party Ideas for Seniors

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I'm Too Young To Be This Old!

birthday-senior-partyGrowing older is something everyone faces. Every year brings us closer to another milestone in life. Some choose to celebrate these moments through hosting joyful birthday parties while others may prefer a more somber or casual atmosphere. As a child, every birthday would be celebrated with a party and gifts, creating a special day for the child as they grew older. Some may playfully embrace this trend and host parties that poke fun at their age by creating a light-hearted celebration while others may act playfully sour at turning 65. This is the theme beyond many I'm Too Young To Be This Old parties.

Throwing a surprise party for a 65 year old can sometimes be as difficult as throwing one for a 6 year old when the guest of honor is being playfully stubborn about their age and may not wish to create a big deal about their upcoming event. It may take some planning in order to wish the celebrant a happy birthday as they are often none too happy about turning 65! Often these parties are thrown to remind the guest of honor that they're only as young as they feel.

The birthday girl or boy may prefer fun and vibrant decorations at the location of the event. Large banners, posters, streamers and balloons are often used and may feature humorous sayings or comical images. Often gravestones, grim reaper images and gray colored decorations are used to create a whimsical celebration for the guest of honor. While these images may seem unusual, for someone who isn't happy about their age, playful and amusing reminders about life can help improve their mood by reminding them it's not about the number, it's how they feel.

Food for these parties may include candy and other popular treats from various periods in the celebrant's lifetime such as vintage candies or cakes. These candies can be found through online or local vintage or gourmet retailers and can help the lucky boy or girl feel like a kid again. Gifts may include vintage toys or other memorabilia from their childhood to make them feel young again. Games may also be played and can include favorite childhood games or even whimsical children's games such as hide and seek. Those who wish to add a more sincere and serious touch to the celebration may include presents that someone turning 65 may enjoy such as comfortable slippers or a plush house robe to wish them a happy birthday.


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